Get the funding for your Truck and General Freight Company with our professional business plans. We have bank approved customizable business plans that you can take straight to your loan officer and easily quality for $50K-to 5MM to launch, or expand your business. These business plans are investment grade and are fully editable complete with spreadsheets, graphs, pictures and text. All you do is drop (copy and paste) your specific information into the Word Document, and the data is dynamically updated throughout the entire business plan. Save your Word Document as a PDF and then present to your loan officer. Thats it…now you sit back and wait for your money. Text or call for more information. $349 for plans only….and $499 for plans with 30 days of consulting support.


$349 for Business Plan only

$499 for Business Plan with 30day Consulting

(No Refund for Downloadable Business Plans)


Payment Options:

Direct (Cash) Deposit

Amplified Logistics LLC

$349 or $499

Wells Fargo

Account# 707 222 1935

Router# 061000227


Zelle the $349 or $499

Use my phone #

(470) 569-0099

or email:


CashApp $349 or $499

To my name:
